Fund For Lake Michigan

Pike River – Smolenski Park – Park Trails and Prairie Restoration

  • Grant Recipient: Village of Mount Pleasant
  • Amount: $70,000
  • Year: 2016
  • Watershed: Pike River
  • Focus Area: Habitat Restoration

Village of Mount Pleasant ($70,000)With this $70,000 award, the Village of Mount Pleasant intends to restore a 15-acre fallow field in Smolenski Park, a site that drains into the floodplain of the Bartlett Branch of the Pike River. Further, the village will develop trails on this site to connect it with the larger part of the park. In this way, this project aims to reduce sedimentation and nutrient loading in Bartlett Creek and increase public access to the property. Key restoration activities include planting diverse, deep-rooted native vegetation, as well as pollinator populations.

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