Fund For Lake Michigan

Milwaukee River Watershed Ecological Prioritization and Restoration

  • Grant Recipient: Ozaukee County
  • Amount: $100,000
  • Year: 2017
  • Watershed: Menomonee River
  • Focus Area: Habitat Restoration

Ozaukee County Planning and Parks ($100,000)Ozaukee County will use this $100,000 award to significantly improve the health of the Little Menomonee River, which is currently listed as an impaired waterway due to high fecal coliform, elevated water temperatures, chlorides, and total phosphorus. By restoring aquatic connectivity, reconnecting wetlands within the flood plain to the river, and re-meandering the channel, Ozaukee County will rehabilitate 248 acres across eight different properties along the Little Menomonee River. Once done, this project will reconnect 4.32 miles of river for fish passage, as well as increase stormwater retention, reduce pollutant loading, and provide improved fish habitat.

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